Total Egress
Total Egress
Contains any outgoing traffic (includes Database, Storage, Realtime, Auth, API, Edge Functions, Supavisor) from your database.
Billing is based on the total sum of egress in GB throughout your billing period.
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The total egress quota of 250GB included in the Supabase Pro plan resets monthly. This means that at the beginning of each billing cycle, your egress quota is reset, allowing you to use up to 250GB of data transfer per month. If you exceed this limit within the month, you will be charged an additional $0.09 per GB of data transfer beyond the included 250GB.
This unified egress quota can be used for various services within Supabase, such as Storage, Realtime, Auth, Functions, and Database【8†source】【9†source】【10†source】.
For the most accurate and up-to-date information, it's always a good idea to check the official Supabase documentation or contact their support team directly. You can find more details on the Supabase billing page and their FAQ section on their official website.
The information regarding the monthly reset of the 250GB egress quota in the Supabase Pro plan can be found in the Supabase documentation. According to the details provided, the egress quota is unified and reset monthly as part of the billing cycle. Here are the relevant sections from the Supabase documentation:
1. **Unified Egress Quota**:
- "Each organization receives a total egress quota (e.g., 250GB on the Pro plan) which can be used for anything - Storage, Realtime, Auth, Functions, Supavisor, or Database."
- This indicates that the 250GB egress is available for a variety of services and is part of the monthly allocation.
- Source: [Supabase Docs - Unified Egress](【11†source】.
2. **Billing and Usage**:
- "Quotas and features are applied to your entire organization, independent of how many projects you launch within that organization. For billing purposes, we sum the usage across all projects in a monthly invoice."
- This statement clarifies that the egress quota is part of the monthly billing cycle, implying a reset every month.
- Source: [Supabase Docs - How billing works](【8†source】.
These sources confirm that the 250GB egress quota included in the Supabase Pro plan is indeed reset on a monthly basis.
Last updated